Blog6 Interior Design Ideas for Modern Indian Homes

6 Interior Design Ideas for Modern Indian Homes

Have you ever entered a space and felt comfortable right away? A well-designed space is not by chance. While the contents of every space are unique to the individual, home décor is fundamentally based on a set of practical standards, if not rules. So, from the best home décor store in Delhi, here are a few examples.

Select a Design Style

It’s simple to discover home décor inspiration online – and just as simple to become enamored with it. A prevalent issue in many Indian houses is that the décor is a puzzling mix of styles that varies from room to room. It just doesn’t go with the flow.
Begin by deciding on a style and then identifying interior design objects that complement that style. For example, if you want to create an ethnic Indian atmosphere, fill your areas with distinctly Indian artifacts. Solid wood couches or dining sets, colorful cushions, ethnic carpets, brass or copper planters, and handcrafted toys.

Give Your Space a Green Makeover

Gardens today are the stuff of fantasies or nostalgic recollections for those who live in apartments. But that doesn’t mean you can’t add some green to your house. Consider a balcony garden with low-maintenance indoor plants such as peace lilies, ferns, and succulents. Sounds nice! Right?
However, if you’re looking for anything more than just decoration, create a herb garden with easy-to-grow herbs in tiny pots. Methi, coriander, curry leaves, basil, and green chilies are a few examples that may be grown on a window sill, a wall shelf near a sunny window, or even on the balcony.

Use the Empty Space to Your Advantage

We have a propensity of accumulating stuff – unwanted presents, trinkets purchased on the spur of the moment, keepsakes acquired while traveling… That’s good, but what’s not acceptable is the haphazard way we choose to present them: packed into displays in any way.
When it comes to stunning displays, avoiding taking up too much room is critical.
If your display shelf is looking boring, try interspersing your treasures with plants, books, or even a tiny lamp. This will break up the monotony of a standard linear design. You might also play around with color blocking and themes.

Make Modifications to Make Space

Most Indian households have oversized furnishings. That enormous, soft, fading sofa probably takes up half the living room, but it’s so cozy and has so many wonderful memories that you can’t bear to part with it.
This is where thinking outside the box comes in helpful. Keep that must-have piece as a permanent feature and design the rest of the room around it. Consider alternate home décor solutions in the case of an overstuffed sofa that leaves no place for a good coffee table.

Balance the Components by Contrasting Dark with Bright and Heavy with Light

We frequently come across dark wood furniture that has been passed down through the family for generations. A fantastic method to incorporate them into your present décor is to fill the remainder of the area with bright, light colors to balance out the weight. This arrangement looks great with bright linens, carpets, and furniture. If you have a collection of antiques, divide them into distinct rooms. You won’t have to change the antique to match your present décor this way.

Prepare for the Unexpected Visitors

Visitors tend to surprise you because ‘they were in the neighborhood.’ Instead of panicking when the doorbell rings, maintain things in their proper position and be prepared for unexpected visitors. Here are some tried-and-true tips:
  • Make an entrance rack for keys, wallets, money, and other items you might carry in your pockets.
  • Invest in furniture with hidden storage chambers where you can quickly stash items. Create a 5-minute tidying regimen and follow it every night before bed.
  • A couch bed is an excellent solution for individuals who have frequent overnight guests.
  • If you have elderly relatives visiting you, have a guest room ready – don’t use it to dump the laundry you were too lazy to fold.

An excellent home décor plan consists of more than just a few wonderful artifacts for the living room. It is a kind of self-expression viewed from a practical viewpoint, and now that you’ve read these interior design ideas for modern Indian homes, you know where to begin!

DecoreX provides you with the best interior designers in Delhi, who fill empty spaces with your ideas and help you create spaces that reflect your personality.

As the best home décor store in Delhi, we want you to explore the thrill of creating your own house and encourage you to think of setting up a place as an invigorating and creative endeavor.

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